
How to donate

We welcome donations of all sizes for the building fund, and/or offers to sponsor a student for £150 annually for four years. If you are a taxpayer we would ask you to gift-aid your donation so that we may claim back the tax you have paid on it. In this way, without further cost to yourself, you increase the value of your gift by 25%. (UK Tax payers only)


Donations may be made in the following ways:

•             Regular donations monthly, quarterly, six monthly or annually by contacting the sponsorship secretary Dr Margaret Thackway- - 01373832048

•             One–off lump sum payments may be made in the same way.


•             If you would like to sponsor a student contact Dr Margaret Thackway- - 01373832048, to discuss and obtain forms.


Below is a picture of 4 of the bursary students, Thank you.

4 Bursery Students