News July 2016
Leadership Team at JDMSS
Headmaster – Robert Kei
Deputy Head – Ochava Sebit
Acting School Officer – Kenyi Chaplain – Head of Science Department.
Acting Assistant School Officer – Charity Korir – Head of languages
Full time teachers – 17
Part time teachers – 13
Support Staff
1 Secretary, 1 Finance Officer, 1 Matron, 1 Site Manager
2 Watchmen, 2 Policemen, Cleaners and Cooks
2 Ex-students have been appointed to fill 2 roles – Receptionist at the new entrance (a boy) and Lab Technician, (a girl).
Total 749 in 13 classes as follows:
Senior 1 = 255 (4 classes)
Senior 2 = 247 (4 classes)
Senior 3 = 144 (classes – 2 science = 79 students, 1 Arts = 62 students)
Senior 4 – 103 (2 classes – science 62 students, Arts – 40 students.)
The 2019 South Sudan Certificate of Education exams were held in December and results were released in February 2020.
The certificate results have reached the school. It's all fantastic with 28 scoring average marks of 90s, 106 scoring average of 80s and only 4 scoring average of 70s.
Top girl, Judith Peter Osman 93.1 Arts
Top boy, Hillary Ramzi John 92.9 Arts
Distinction in Arts, Rebecca Poni Edward 92.3
Distinction in science, Matthew Jada Yenkopiong 91.1
The prize giving that normally occurs in April has been postponed because the school has been closed due to Covid-19. This does not mean that students won't get prizes but they will receive them at a later date.
Girl’s Boarding House – there are over 60 girls in residence. 3 girls from Western Equatoria have bursaries for their boarding fees.
Bursaries – around 100 students are in receipt of bursaries – i.e. two thirds of their school fees.
Parent Teacher’s Association, (PTA). There is an active PTA under the chairmanship of Rev.Simon Peter. The PTA has raised funds for the reception building at the new main gate and towards a new vehicle for the School.
To increase security a perimeter wall, topped with razor wire was completed in 2018. In addition re-inforced entranced gates were also installed at the same time.
In 2015 a new main entrance, main gate and reception was built. In 2016 a four-classroom, two-storey block has been built, paid for by ‘Christian Aid’. One room is now a computer room complete with laptops and computer furniture.
The girls boarding house has now had a dining room added in 2019. This has enabled an additional dormitory to be occupied in the girls boarding house increasing its capacity to 60.
A medical centre was constructed in 2019 to save the students leaving the campus for minor injuries and illness and reduce the time away from the school. There are plans to expand the medical centre this year.
In 2019 a house just to the rear of the school grounds was renovated for the headmaster and his family. We are delighted to report that they moved in over the Christmas holidays of 2019 and are extremely pleased to be living close by the school and readily on hand. This also nogates the need for a time consuming and risky commute for the headmaster and provides more security for his family.
This is now an aspiration for an Admin Block and an extension to the Science Lab.
Information and Computer Technology (ICT) Course has taken place for the JDMSS teachers and primary school teachers.
An ICT course for Year 4 students. Four JDMSS teachers have already been trained in ICT to provide the instruction. Thirty laptop computers have been installed in the new Computer Room.
Friend of JDMSS-
Previously known as the support group, friends of JDMSS is a group providing support from the UK aiding in fund raising, sponsorship funds, educational advise and training, prayer support and financial management.
Current Appointments include-
Chair- Charles Thackway
Vice Chair and treasurer- Dick Beath
Secretary- Dr Margaret Thackway
Educational Advisor- Dr Margaret Griffin
Sponsorship Secretary- Dr Margaret Thackway
Sponsorship Assistant- Louise Dirke
Sponsorship Assistant- Natasha Dean
Sponsorship Assistant- David Heydon
Sponsorship Assistant- Jenny Wilson
Country Advisor- Robert Heywood
Building Projects- Ian Curtis
Tech Advisory and Website Update- Robert Thackway / Ian Nicholson
We are looking for a sponsorship assistant at present. Please contact Dr Margaret Thackway- - 01373832048 if you can help.